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Three Tips for Spring Cleaning for Your Home Improvement Content Marketing Strategy

(Note: Monitoring your business’s online reputation is a requirement for success in the digital age. Try our free Review Scan now for an instant reputation report on your business.)

Posted On: March 17, 2020

March 19 is the first day of spring, and this season is a great time to clean up your home improvement content marketing strategy. That’s especially true if you’re still experiencing a few cold or even snowy early spring days, which may not be conducive to work such as installing windows.

Here are three tips for dusting off your home improvement marketing strategy for once it’s all warm days and sunny skies—and people start looking into home improvement services online.

1. Complete a Content Audit
Look at the detailed data related to all your pages to determine what pages are performing. You’re looking for content that drives the most traffic, keeps people on page longest, and is most likely to convert visitors into action.

At the very least, look at your Google Analytics numbers to identify your most popular content and see where traffic is coming from. If you have the time—or a professional who can handle a content audit for you—you can dig even deeper for insights that help you target your efforts in the future.

2. Revitalize Old Content
Don’t automatically toss pages that aren’t performing. You’re not supposed to simply “Marie Kondo” (throw away) your content; what doesn’t bring joy to your visitors might just need a new spin.

Look at content that didn’t catch on with readers and ask yourself how you can make it more relevant or whether you can salvage facts, figures, or ideas from it for new posts this year. It’s only after you determine there’s no quality to recycle that you trash old or out-of-date content.

3. Choose a Few Success Metrics to Improve
You can’t do everything at once when it comes to growing your content marketing efforts this year, so pick a few things to work on at a time. Some metrics you might want to improve include:

  • How much organic (SEO) traffic your site gets
  • How much paid (ad-based) traffic you get
  • The percent of traffic that converts
  • The cost of your traffic and conversions

Don’t just improve areas for the sake of a better number. Make sure you’re working on home improvement marketing tactics that impact your revenue and bottom line.

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