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The Link Between Google Reviews and Local Home Improvement Marketing

(Note: Monitoring your business’s online reputation is a requirement for success in the digital age. Try our free Review Scan now for an instant reputation report on your business.)

Posted On: March 10, 2020

You know you have to be online to connect with today’s consumers. If you have no website or social profile? Modern consumers might not even see you as a legitimate business. But did you know the same thing is true for online reviews?

Reviews Are Critical for Searchers
More than 70 percent of people on the buying journey—that’s anyone looking for a solution to a problem or actively pursuing a purchase—say reviews play a role in their final decisions. In fact, they won’t even act until they consult reviews.

If you have no reviews at all, at least 15 percent of consumers won’t trust you regardless of any other marketing tactics you employ.

Google Reviews Are in the Majority
Globally, Google reviews account for more than 57 percent of all available reviews. So it’s natural for local consumers to gravitate to Google when seeking the 411 on businesses in their area.

Reviews and Local SEO
But Google reviews don’t just let review-seekers find your business. Studies on local ranking factors indicate that Google My Business reviews also impact your performance in local SERPs.

A study conducted by Local SEO Guide found that reviews that included the searched keyword were the second-most powerful factor in whether or not a business showed up in the coveted Local Pack. That’s the box and map at the top of search results that highlights a few local businesses that Google believes best match the query.

How Many Google Reviews Do You Need?
As many as you can get. On average, local businesses have 39 Google reviews. If you have less than that, consumers might wonder why your competition is impressing more people.

The good news is that you don’t need to “bat 1.000” with your home improvement business reviews to get the benefits. Best-selling products tend to have review ratings that average 4.2 to 4.7 on a 5-point scale. When consumers see dozens or hundreds of 5-star ratings, they tend to be very skeptical, because we all know no one is perfect.

By asking often for reviews—as you wrap the sales process or during follow-up phone calls or emails—you can help ensure your home improvement firm is showing up for local searches.

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