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Four Mobile-Friendly Tips for Forms that Improve Home Improvement Marketing Efforts

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Posted On: March 12, 2019

The importance of mobile-first web design shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone in 2019. But even if you’ve adopted responsive design, are your forms up to par? 

Interactive marketing is a great way to engage users. Whether you’re asking for consumers to leave an email address in exchange for an e-book on choosing the right window decor colors or have a contact form to encourage people to get a quote on service, those efforts will fall flat if they don’t work on mobile. 

Working with an experienced web design and marketing team is the first thing you can do to ensure that all aspects of your site — including forms — work for mobile users. But here are four specific tips for creating forms friendly to smaller screens: 

  1. Keep It Simple

Think about the purpose of your form and what you need from the potential customerIt can be tedious to enter data on a mobile device, so only ask for the necessities and be clear about what you want. Provide easy-to-follow labels that let users know what goes in each box. 

  1. Don’t Use Multiple Columns

Most mobile devices are optimized to scroll up and down, and mobile users are conditioned to that approach by numerous apps and social media. Columns that require individuals to move from left to right can be annoying or confusing. 

  1. Provide Automation

Enable autocorrect and autofill options on your mobile form. The fewer taps a person has to make to complete your form, that easier it is for everyone. It also makes it less likely the person will abandon the form due to frustration or distraction. 

  1. Make Use of the Tap

Finally, eliminate the need for typing by including tapping options whenever you can. Include checkboxes, drop-down menus and buttons instead of free-text boxes to streamline completion of a form and ensure accuracy of the data. 

Forms can be great way for collecting leads and personalizing home improvement marketing, but if they don’t work on mobile devices, you’re losing out on half (or even more) of your opportunities. Take a few steps to ensure mobile users are taken care of, and you’ll likely see an increase in lead generation and requests for quotes. 

(Note: Ready to supercharge the leads you get from the internet and convert them into real-life clientele? In his free webinar, marketing expert Welton Hong delivers practical techniques you can employ todayClick here to register!) 

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